Open Audition Department of Fine Arts  
Screw the Set
The Scene Shop - Behind the Scenes
Jaston Williams'
Greater Tuna

April 15-18, 1998
Fine Arts Theatre
Hyman Fine Arts Center
Francis Marion University

Visit Audition - photo Jason Cribb
Cattle Call - Open Audition

Open Audition Cast List:

Thurston Wheelis -- Vanessa Gregg
Arles Struvie -- Will Franklin
Ronnie -- Greg Anderson
Didi Snavely -- Jennifer Cudworth
R.R. Snavely -- Larry Falck
Elmer Watkins -- Kate Corea
Harold Dean Lattimer -- Dakairi Hill
Bertha Bumiller -- Chuck Miller
Jody Bumiller -- Stephen Alan Spratt
Stanley Bumiller -- Brad King
Charlene Bumiller -- Kendall Kiker
Hank Bumiller -- Brad Linton
Chad Hartford -- Kelly Smith
Petey Fisk -- Misty Hollingshed
Yippy -- Chuck Miller
Leonard Childers -- Desman Stackhouse
Peral Burras -- Dana Harrell
Vera Carp -- Rachael Jebaily
Reverand Spikes -- Michael Clark
Phinas Blye -- Amy Brown
Sheriff Givens -- Maria Belotti
Coach -- Brad Linton

Direction is by Assistant Professor of Theatre A. Glen Gourley. Scene design is by Associate Professor David C. Granath, costume design is by Assistant Professor Amy Sherwood.

The University Theatre's 1997-98 season opened with the production of Euripides' masterpiece MEDEA, written in 431 B.C. at the height of classical Athens' "golden age." The winter production was Friedrich Dürrenmatt's classic 1956 tale of loyalty -vs- avarice, THE VISIT.

For additional information contact Mr. Gourley in FAC 224, 661-1538,

Keith Best Hangs Around - photo J. Cribb
VISIT Director Keith Best Hangs Around the Set 
photos by Jason Cribb

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