Snow Island Review: A Student Literary and Art Journal

The Snow Island Review is the literary and art journal at Francis Marion University.  It is named for the headquarters of General Francis Marion, the “Swamp Fox,” who in the winter of 1780-1781 led incursions against and then eluded British troops by escaping to his wilderness retreat bounded by the Great Pee Dee River, Lynches River and Clark Creek.  In 1974, Snow Island was named a National Historic Landmark.

The works included in The Snow Island Review do not necessarily reflect the views of Francis Marion UIniversity, the student editors, staff members or faculty advisors.  

The Snow Island Review is now published once a year--typically in April. We welcome submissions from all FMU students regardless of major but do not guarantee publication.  Anonymous submissions or works submitted under pseudonyms will not be considered.   All copyrights revert to authors.   More information regarding submission policies may be found on our bulletin board(s) in Founders Hall or in the Writing Center (FH 114-C).  

Please contact or Dr. Jon Tuttle at with questions.