The Paul Carlson Fractal Museum: Homepage

The work of Paul Carlson opened new frontiers in the field of fractal art and are admired to this day for their beauty and elegance. Mr. Carlson is a computer programmer turned fractal enthusiast that has been working with fractals since the year 1985. His work was quickly recognized and his fractals have been published in numerous books in several languages.
This site offers only a small subset of his actual lifetime work. Mr. Carlson has created over 700 fractals, but this site displays only what can readily be recovered on the internet under his name.
Each gallery consists of a number of small thumbnails. To see the original fractal, in full size and in full detail, click on the thumbnail.
The fractal images on this website may be used on personal and commercial web pages, and in books, magazines, and journals provided:
- the page show that Paul Carlson is author of the image (a comment in the source-code is not sufficient);
- the web page or printed matter contain no pornography or any subject matter that promotes racism or violence; and
- if the images are to be used in a book, magazine or journal, an intent to publish be sent to Paul Carlson and a copy of the book, magazine, or journal be sent to Paul Carlson, 3343 Santa Fe Court, Fort Collins, Colorado 80526, United States, upon publication.